the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology researched the effects of lunchtime activities on mental health. It concluded that a walk in the park was associated with better concentration and less fatigue in the afternoon. A “listening stroll” will further your meditative practice. Simply walk in silence while listening to your surroundings. Focus on every sound you hear, such as rustling leaves, car horns, and skittering animals. This easy exercise clears your mind, making you feel refreshed to tackle the rest of your to-do list.

The study also concluded that engaging in relaxation exercises lead to better concentration, as well as decreased strain and fatigue.

Meditation is a mind-body practice that focuses on slowing down to achieve emotional stability and mental clarity.  In this exercise lets calm the mind and the body and rejuvenate and refresh to start back into the day after lunch.

Be seated in a comfortable position

Take a long slow, deep breath in. Hold it for a moment, and then slowly exhale.

Allow any tension to melt away as you gradually begin to soften your muscles, letting go with each breath.

Continue to breathe slowly and gently as you bring your awareness to the top of your head. Just sense or imagine a feeling of warmth and softness beginning to spread down from the top of your scalp…. feel the muscles in your forehead and temples relax.

Allow your eye to relax to release. Let your cheeks and jaw soften and let go of all tension.

Now let this peaceful feeling flow down into your neck. With each breath you take, this relaxing feeling becomes deeper and warmer. It works its way deep into the muscles in your shoulders…soothing them…releasing them. It loosens the muscles in your arms… your hands…relaxing and soothing…all the way to the tips of your fingers.

As your body softens, your thoughts seem to become lighter. You are slipping further and further into a dreamlike state of stillness.

Now, bring your awareness to your chest and your stomach. The peaceful sensation flows throughout this area of your body, soothing every muscle and relaxing every organ.

Now put your attention to your upper back, and feel this softening sensation flow all the way down your spine. As it gradually works its way down your body, feel every muscle in your back let go and unwind.

Feel that your entire upper body has become loose, limp and soft. Sink into this serene sensation. Now feel your hips soften as the peaceful feeling starts to work its way through your lower body.

Release the muscles in your buttocks…the backs of your thighs…the front of your thighs. Soothing feelings flow down through your knees, and into your calves. Your ankles let go. Now your feet let go. Allow your entire lower body to let go completely, and allow any remaining tension from anywhere in your body to flow out through the tips of your toes. Feel the deep state of calmness and register it in your mind so that you can remember it.

Allow your body to be rooted in this moment with your breath.

As you breathe, I want you to imagine that every breath in is cleansing you, clearing space that is taken up by emotions or physical sensation. And every breath out is exhaling those emotions or physical sensations out of your body.

Breathing in, clearing space.        

Breathing out, letting it go.

feeling the cleansing inhale refresh you,

And exhale everything else out.

Now bring your breathing to its normal rhythm…

And feel as your body vibrates softly with a cool, fresh energy.

Now, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bring your attention back to the room, your awareness is in the present.